Sunday 14 July 2013

Unnecessary deaths....

Unbelievably eloquent words from a soldier. 

It is a shame to see young lives go to waste for no real reason except corporate profit. We (myself included), as a country, never seem to care, except for the meaningless mouthing of a few words of support or patriotism every now and then, or whenever convenient. We never try to understand the trauma we put our soldiers through with our silent support of criminal wars; through our silence when the government, in the name of efficiency and political finagling over budget issues closes VA (Veterans' Affairs) hospitals in the more rural reaches of the country making it even more difficult for an unemployed veteran to seek medical help; through our silence at documented instances of denial of treatment to some of these soldiers; through our silence at the daily suicides of veterans who come back with demons running around in their minds...... 

Oh, this list can go on and on, but none of it means anything and none of it is as eloquent as this dead soldiers last words....

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