Saturday 4 May 2013

Violence against women and other minorities - how complicit are we, as a society?

In the wake of all the violence against women that has come to light in India in the past few weeks and months, there has been an uproar about not bringing the perpetrators to justice, a lot of hand-wringing about what can be done about theissue and what can be done to prevent such incidents from happening in the future, etc. However, most of the talk revolved around having harsher laws enacted, stiffer punishments being handed out and the like, ie. letting government handle the issue.

It is as if nobody feels they are to blame for these problems simply because they were not the perpetrators of the crime. No one has talked about (and it seems like nobody wants to talk about) what can be done at a personal level (so much for all that personal responsibility spiel!!!). After all, when we as a society think it is fine to demean, ridicule and make fun of the weak, and don't think twice about such things as they happen around us (or worse think it is all part of machismo), then we are as much a part of the problem as the perpetrators of the actual crime. It isn't just enough to display public outrage when graphic details of the crime appear on the news, in print or images or video streams.

We (especially men, and I've seen it among women in many communities too - you know, comments like, "Oh! that's fine he's a boy!! Boys do such things all the time", when a boy annoys or hurts his sister) think it is somehow okay to make fun of women, gay people, or other people who are perceived as somehow being inferior. We (at least most of us) don't speak up when such minor but crass incidents happen; we even join in the fun and laugh along, when we should be stopping such behaviour right there, nipping it in the bud.

While I can understand that these behaviours are ingrained in us and in society over the course of centuries, we can all make a conscious effort to change, and to accept that we have done something incredibly stupid or wrong when we unconsciously do it and it is pointed out to us. And over a course of time, our perceptions and that of society will all change for the better.

In that vein the following video, shared by a friend, highlights some of these issues I just talked of and more; and more importantly, it points out that such behaviour by dominant groups within society, more often than not, transcends geographical boundaries. It also prescribes a simple solution to such problems, part of which includes changing the perspective of the narrative and rightfully assigning responsibility to perpetrators and also small but important things we (everyone of us) can do on a daily basis that can change the outlook of society towards the problem and lead to the betterment of mankind in the long run. (That's assuming we as a race still exist on this planet. Haha!! That's me being cynical in the wake of the wildly varying climate changes we've been observing in recent months and the resultant climatic violence around the world including here in the US)

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