Wednesday 9 September 2009


I just couldn't help laughing when I came across the passage below and the comments that followed.  Maybe it is just me and geeky humour that is lost on most normal people (and may thus not be humourous to anyone else).  I was reading the documentation for a source code control software online and the author tries to let readers offer their comments after each paragraph.  The  very first paragraph had four comments.  I am posting the original author's paragraph followed by the comments, which I found to be hilarious (especially the one by "Winston Churchill").
This post is partly for my family (wife and kids) and friends who think I randomly say completely unintelligible things (Griffindor!).  I hope it clears the air for them and helps them realise that there are others like their father/spouse/friend :-).  There is often an unspoken method to the perceived madness.

Technical storytelling

A few years ago, when I wanted to explain why I believed that distributed revision control is important, the field was then so new that there was almost no published literature to refer people to. 4 comments

420 jbm 2009-05-12

dangling preposition

527 skullbochs 2009-06-07

@jbm Only if you're a grammar nazi. Ending sentences with prepositions causes no special problems in English.

539 Winston Churchill 2009-06-11

This is the sort of nonsense up with which I will not put.

803 Raul Pedro Santos 2009-08-27

I believe jbm was referring to the fact that 'to' is alone in the last line. This is called a "widow", if I recall correctly, and is generally frowned upon when composing a book. Care is usually taken in order to prevent sentences ending in a line with just one word.


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