Monday 20 July 2009

Is Prime Minister Netanyahu serious about a two-state solution?

It never ceases to amaze me that Israeli media is the most critical of Israel's actions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Contrast that with a fawning American media and one is left wondering who lives in Israel, the American media or the Israeli media. Here is an article that talks of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, having approved new construction in East Jerusalem, days after he agreed with the US President to support a two-state solution. It makes one wonder if such agreements and public statements by Israeli officials really mean anything. We've seen that they have refused to abide by any of the treaties and agreements reached in the past 60 years. And if Barack Obama really intends to have a negotiated settlement to the issue, as opposed to merely paying lipservice to the process as his predecessor did, he will now have to take the next step and impress upon Netanyahu and Israel's leadership that he really means business.

Interestingly enough, Benjamin Netanyahu's own father, Benzion Netanyahu, is claimed to have said on Israeli TV that his son has no intentions of agreeing to a two-state solutions. Of course there are questions surrounding such a statement as well. Why would the elder Netanyahu, an ardent supporter of Greater Israel, try to sabotage any overtures his son makes towards such a goal? We have seen from past experience that the younger Netanyahu can take very hardline stances on these issues and not budge and infact further stir up trouble. His previous round at the helm of the country did some pretty good damage to whatever relations the two peoples had.

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